
I'm KCMIR0! Content Creator for Games.
Vehicles Enthusiast
My enjoy is making driving experience in games more immersive and more enjoyable, ripping smiles.

Where do we get sounds samples ?

- Self Field Recordings with Professional Recorders
- Paid Libraries with Professional Samples
- Youtube Videos
- Audio Mixing

How does the FiveM Engine Sound Mods work? : 

The Sound Mod uses custom .awc Audio Formats with custom Granular Synthesis Data generated with a private script self-developed by Legacy_DMC.
- Custom Database with .rel files for their respective sounds.
- The Sound Assets are encrypted by Keymaster and only for FiveM servers purposes.

GTA 5 Free Mods at GTA5-Mods.com 

Motors Garage Crew Discord Server:  https://discord.com/invite/YexPqFvaV9